Version 2 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
Import Custom Smileys from Emesene
Emesene is a client for the MSN protocol. It supports custom smileys, which can be imported into Pidgin using the following script (requires Python 2.5 or later).
#!/usr/bin/python # # Import custom smileys into Pidgin from Emesene 1.0. # Requires Python 2.5 or later. # # Copyright (C) 2009, Danilo Piazzalunga <> # This file is distributed under the same license as the Pidgin package. # # Usage: # EMESENE_EMOTICON_MAP [PURPLE_USER_DIR] # # EMESENE_EMOTICON_MAP: the custom_emoticons/map file in your emesene # account directory, to be used as the input file # For example, $HOME/.config/emesene1.0/*/custom_emoticons/map. # # PURPLE_USER_DIR: the libpurple user directory, to be used as output # directory. Defaults to $HOME/.purple. # from __future__ import with_statement import hashlib import os.path import shutil import sys import xml.dom.minidom def usage(): return ("usage: %s EMESENE_EMOTICON_MAP [PURPLE_USER_DIR]" % sys.argv[0]) def purple_user_dir(): for dir in [ "$PURPLEHOME", "%APPDATA%", "$HOME", "~" ]: purple_dir = os.path.join( os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(dir)), ".purple") if os.path.isdir(purple_dir): return purple_dir def open_cmdline_arg(filename, input=True): if filename == "-": if input: return sys.stdin else: return sys.stdout else: if input: return open(filename, "U") else: return open(filename, "w") def parse_emesene_map(map): smileys = {} while True: shortcut = map.readline().rstrip("\n") if not shortcut: break picture_name = map.readline().rstrip("\n") smileys[shortcut] = picture_name return smileys def sha1sum(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as file: data = sha1sum = hashlib.sha1() sha1sum.update(data) return sha1sum.hexdigest() def import_smileys(smileys, purple_dir): purple_custom_smiley_dir = os.path.join(purple_dir, "custom_smiley") purple_smileys_xml = os.path.join(purple_dir, "smileys.xml") if not os.path.isdir(purple_custom_smiley_dir): os.mkdir(purple_custom_smiley_dir) smileys_purple = [] for shortcut, picture_name in smileys.iteritems(): checksum = sha1sum(picture_name) ext = os.path.splitext(picture_name)[1] filename = "".join([checksum, ext]) shutil.copyfile(picture_name, os.path.join(purple_custom_smiley_dir, filename)) smileys_purple.append({"shortcut": shortcut, "checksum": checksum, "filename": filename }) write_purple_smileys_xml(smileys_purple, purple_smileys_xml) def write_purple_smileys_xml(smileys_purple, purple_smileys_xml): dom = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() doc = dom.createDocument(None, "smileys", None) try: top_element = doc.documentElement top_element.setAttribute("version", "1.0") profile_element = doc.createElement("profile") profile_element.setAttribute("name", "Default") top_element.appendChild(profile_element) smiley_set_element = doc.createElement("smiley_set") profile_element.appendChild(smiley_set_element) for s in smileys_purple: smiley_element = doc.createElement("smiley") smiley_element.setAttribute("shortcut", s["shortcut"]) smiley_element.setAttribute("checksum", s["checksum"]) smiley_element.setAttribute("filename", s["filename"]) smiley_set_element.appendChild(smiley_element) with open(purple_smileys_xml, "w") as writer: doc.writexml(writer, addindent="\t", newl="\n") finally: doc.unlink() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3: sys.exit(usage()) input_filename = sys.argv[1] purple_dir = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else purple_user_dir() with open_cmdline_arg(input_filename) as map: smileys = parse_emesene_map(map) import_smileys(smileys, purple_dir)
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